Meetings that Matter

Collaborative Dialogue & Workshop Planning Support

Meaningful connection, communication, and collaboration for collective change.

You’ve gathered the right people, at the right time,
for the right conversation. Are you ready to lead it?

Collaborative teams and coalitions face important moments of change and critical choices - about relationships, leadership, policies, and priorities. In these times, ordinary meetings and gatherings become something more.

Make the most of your collaborative meeting, training, or workshop.

With an expertly planned agenda and skilled facilitation, you will tap into the full potential of your next gathering to enhance communication, deepen connection, create alignment, and build shared commitment together.

Two deep-dive sessions to guide your preparation and enhance your leadership impact.

  • Session 1: VISION & STRATEGY

    Purpose, Goals, & Roadmap. Develop a detailed strategy that addresses the hopes, concerns, and readiness of your group, ensuring that your agenda will be aligned with your purpose and desired outcome.

  • Session 2: DESIGN & PLANNING

    Agenda, Details, & Steps. Develop an expertly designed agenda, well-structured facilitation plan to meet your group's needs and achieves your collective goals.

You have the knowledge, the relationships, and
a strong understanding of what’s needed in this moment.

Sometimes outside trainers and facilitators can be helpful, but insider leadership is needed when resources are limited, time is short, and no one knows your people like you do.

You can powerfully and effectively lead the right process with your people - backed by expert guidance and support.

Booking now for Fall 2024

10 consultation slots are available for
September - December 2024.

Book by September 30 for $1100 $900.

More Presence.
More Confidence.
More Impact.

Book before September 30 to get an extra Facilitative Leadership Coaching Session to boost your clarity and confidence to lead your people and the process.