Facilitative Leaders Lab

Build Collaborative Coalitions. Guide Collective Transformation.

Beginning Fall 2024

Harness the power of the collective
to transform your future together.

  • "I didn't know if I would even be capable of facilitating difficult discussions, but I enjoyed the experience so much that I didn't realize I was also learning valuable tools in facilitation."

    - MaryAnn T.

    Senior Data Specialist,
    Los Angeles County Office of Education

  • "The training exceeded my expectations. I gained a great appreciation for the details involved in creating space. I never realized so much thought went into facilitation!"

    - Brandon J.

    Teacher on Special Assignment,
    Los Angeles Unified School District

  • "I appreciate walking away with new frameworks. As someone who tends to jump in when something is important, it's great to combat the culture of urgency, and center relationships and collective learning first."

    - Vanessa S.

    Founder & Director,
    Empowered Mind Therapy Center

  • "I really appreciate that our learning circles have given me a space to stop, reflect, and reframe my own approach to my work."

    - Jennifer C.

    Independent Consultant,
    Marine Biologist & Conservation Practitioner


THE FACILITATIVE LEADERS LAB is is a learning space for experienced professionals that prepares you to build and guide collaborative teams and coalitions for culture and systems change.

In the coming season, as we face crucial choices about the shape and direction of our collective future, you are being called to guide collective leadership to shape the next chapters ahead.

As an experienced practitioner in your field that is deeply committed to collective change, you understand that you will need more than technical knowledge and personal passion.

The success of your leadership depends on your ability to bring together diverse stakeholders, identify shared values, and collaboratively envision and work for a thriving future.

In our 3-month Facilitative Leaders Lab experience, you will build on your existing knowledge and develop advanced skills to organize collaborative teams, lead transformative dialogue, and create unified visions and strategies for creating change.

Join Us in the Lab

Learn to

BUILD meaningful relationships and a culture of trust within collaborative groups and teams.

DESIGN impactful learning experiences that promote collective growth, learning, and change.

GUIDE communication and engagement across differences, moving beyond debate and competition to deep dialogue and cooperation.

FACILITATE strategic visioning and action planning.

A Look Inside the Lab

  • Expand your facilitation TOOLSET:

    Guide individuals and groups through new experiences that open the mind and expand thinking.

    Support groups and teams to build trust, navigate conflict, and take collaborative action.

    Practice shared leadership through co-design and co-facilitation.

    Learn to design and lead groups through deep dialogue, experiential learning, and collaborative workshopping.

  • Strengthen your consulting SKILLSET:

    Advise individual leaders and groups through all stages of team development.

    Understand group dynamics from an equity, inclusion, and justice lens.

    Build positive relationships and cooperation across differences within collaborative workgroups.

    Support learning, growth, and change within groups and teams through facilitation, coaching, and training.

  • Develop your leadership MINDSET:

    Develop your unique values-based leadership style.

    Expand your leadership beyond technical expert to people leader.

    Strengthen your capacity to connect and support people with different backgrounds, identities and perspectives.

    Deepen self-awareness and emotional intelligence to lead rationally, relationally, and intuitively.

Meet Your Learning Guide

 Alan Wesley Goff is an educator, facilitator, and transformational leadership coach. He guides individuals and groups in deep dialogue and discovery to create individual and collective transformation.

Alan has researched and practiced social justice education and intergroup dialogue facilitation for 20 years, supporting generations of justice-driven leaders, educators, and advocates in the long-term work of collective healing and change.


He envisions a world where individuals and communities draw from the wisdom of intangible heritage and ancestral technologies to heal the past, and to create thriving futures grounded in balance, wellbeing, cooperation, and connection with all people and the planet.


As guide of the Facilitative Leaders Lab, Alan incorporates lessons and frameworks gained from over two decades of scholarship and practice. He supports participants to develop both solid skills and their own intuitive clarity to drive justice-centered transformation in their organizations and communities.

The Lab Experience

Weekly Learning Circles

Peer Coaching Sessions

Online Learning & Support Resources

✓✓ PLUS: 4 Free Facilitation Coaching Sessions in 2024

Beginning Fall 2024

 Common Questions

  • The Facilitative Leaders Lab is for established professionals who work across many sectors, fields, and identities, but are united by a common commitment to supporting collective healing and justice-centered change.

     Participants serve in various capacities, including: 


    - Managers, administrators, supervisors, & project leads

    - Executives, board members, & committee chairs

    - Public servants & local government leaders


    - Educators, researchers, & scholars

    - Consultants, advisors, & facilitators

    - Coaches & mentors


    - Community leaders, organizers, & strategists

    - Therapists, social workers, & healing practitioners

    - Equity, justice, & human rights advocates

    If you check any of the boxes below, the Lab is for you:

    ✓ You are building or leading a collaborative change-focused workgroup, team, committee, or coalition.

    ✓ You are supporting or leading a significant culture- or systems change initiative in your organization or community.

    ✓ You are moving into greater management, leadership, or consulting from a technical expert, practitioner, or operational role.

    ✓ You are an organizer or advocate for social, cultural, or systems change in your organization or community.

    ✓ You want to grow your capacity and confidence as an equity and justice-centered team leader.

  • To ensure that the program is as accessible as possible, the price of the program is determined by a number of factors including your professional sector and institutional affiliation.

    Anyone who wants to join should apply, regardless of financial situation. Specific information about pricing will be shared with fitting applicants.

    The Lab was created to support facilitative leaders that are working for a better future, regardless of their current level of financial resource.

    All participants get the same experience, resources, and support regardless of their pricing tier.

    We can also arrange flexible payment plans and other creative options to ensure that anyone who should be in the circle will be.

  • Program fees are not refundable.  However, life happens, and facilitative leadership is a lifelong journey. If you need or want to withdraw from the program before Week 5, you can apply your full program fee to a future program.

  • Learning and growing as a transformational facilitative leader is lifelong work. After completing the program, you will be welcomed into the Sambai Circle's growing community of justice-centered facilitative leaders, and will have access to resources, and upcoming trainings, dialogues, and workshops. You will also be eligible for facilitation and leadership coaching at reduced rates, and discounted pricing for some future programs.

  • Schedule a Connection Call to explore your questions and discover if the Lab or other Sambai Circle programs and services would serve you.

Strength, Courage, and Commitment
as a People-centered Leader

Powerful and Meaningful
Learning & Growth

a Champion of Equity &
Justice-centered Transformation