Guiding leaders to reimagine and co-create communities where everyone thrives.

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We support you to lead

  • team culture transformation.

    Create environments of wellness and belonging within organizations and teams by aligning values, creating shared agreements, and integrating sustaining practices.

  • social change advocacy.

    Improve community life by addressing systemic inequities, building social inclusion, and advancing civil and human rights.

  • alliance & coalition building.

    Achieve shared goals by strengthening partnerships, building trust, aligning visions, and taking collaborative action.

  • equity & access.

    Ensure opportunities for all by building fair and open systems, policies, and practices.

  • social entrepreneurship.

    Design innovative solutions to address community needs and challenges.


Welcome to the circle.

I’m Alan. I am a social change leadership facilitator, and the Principal of The Sambai Circle.

Our purpose is to help justice-driven leaders focus and amplify their impact for social change.

Our programs and services are grounded in nearly 20 years of experience designing and leading workshops, dialogues, and trainings that have helped hundreds of dedicated community and social change advocates develop their leadership, build alliances, and take collaborative action.

Alan W. Goff, professional group process facilitator

Let’s Connect

Start a conversation or schedule a connection call.